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Document: 2.5 cm margins on top and bottom; 3 cm margins at left and 2 cmat  right side, single-spaced.

Paper Title: Provide a short descriptive title of no more than 20 words.

Format: Times New Roman, 16 point font, bold, centered and capitalize the first letter of each word.Leave one line space.

Authors' Names: Include first name in full, middle initial and family name in full. Do not include any titles or degrees.

Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, centered. Use superscript numbers to link affiliations. Put asterisk (*) at the corresponding author’s name after the number. Do not write the heading "Authors' Names".

Authors' Affiliations: Affiliations should include the city, postal/zip code and country. When more than one author is listed, use superscript numbers to match authors and affiliations. One affiliation should be given per line, prefixed with the relevant superscript number. The email address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed (or

an email address at which this author can be reached) should be included as the last line of that author’s address

Format: Times New Roman, 10 point font, left justified.

Abstract: In no more than 300 words, summarize what your presentation will be about.

Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, justified on both sides.

Keywords: 3 – 5 words, after the content section of abstract.

Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font and capitalized initial letter for each word.       

Text: Text is single spaced, not double spaced includesintroduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references. The body use 12 point, topic 14 point, bold and subtopic is 12 point, bold.

Figures and tables: Figures and Table are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document, for presenting figures and tables, type in bolde.g. Table 1 / Figure 1 with descriptions in 12 point, size of the figure and the table, as appropriate for each article. The article form is ready to publish and also attach the original figures files

References:the documents referenced in the body must match the documents listed in the references section. Following these examples;

download : References instruction(download) and Full paper template (Download)